Cyprus Roadkill Observation System
The Cyprus Roadkill Observation System will be used for recording citizens’ and volunteers’ observations of dead wild fauna throughout the island’s road network. Data from these observations include the group of animals and the species identified as well as the exact (GPS) location, the date and time of recording, photos of the roadkill and any relevant additional information related to the species, the road or the traffic condition. A summary of the above information is publicly available on the CyROS database, for all roadkill recorded throughout the island. Data collected will be used to understand the factors which influence road kills, and the impacts of roads on fauna in general, as well as contribute to better infrastructure planning with a view to assist nature conservation objectives.
Enter observation
In the option “About CyROS” you can find out more about the aims and objectives of this project and the potential use of the data.
Please click on the button “Enter Observation” to fill the relevant form in order to record your observations. The input form allows you to upload photos which can help us to a certain degree to confirm the observation.
Thank you for your participation.
Summary of observations
Total number of wildlife roadkills in Cyprus: 1850
Total number of registered observers : 234
Total number of observed roadkill species: 33
Last update: 27/05/2019